Monday, December 1, 2008

Elijah mine

I thank God for my husband.

It still blows my mind to think how many people there are in the world, and how there is absolutely no one else who could be this perfectly suited to me. How did we end up at the same college, crossing paths in the spring of my junior year? What if I had never interviewed for an RA position? What if I never hovered over the refreshment table where he first encountered me stuffing my face? My life would be very different.

I'm amazed.

I admit that sometimes it feels like being married to my mother (hi Mom!) but Eli takes care of me and looks out for my well-being. In all things, I know he means well. He "makes" me eat my vegetables. He stops me from rubbing my eyes when they itch like crazy and nags me about putting lotion on to keep my dry skin at bay. He usually encourages me to get out of bed to go to Sunday school when some Sundays I would much rather sleep in until the "big" church service.

There are other little things he does that don't get the recognition they deserve:
1. He gets up early when he doesn't have to (when I get up) and makes lunch for me because he knows that if it's left up to me, I'll either not eat or eat junk.
2. He pulls the shower curtain back across the rod because a long time ago I asked him to do that to prevent mildew and he likes to make me happy.
3. He squeezes the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube sometimes, but often enough that I notice and am grateful for the effort.
4. He replaces the TP when the roll is empty and he makes sure the end comes over the top. He may just do this as a personal preference, but I certainly appreciate it.
5. He takes out the garbage when the kitchen bag gets full.
6. He makes tea when the pitcher is empty.
7. He makes dinner when I don't feel like it, which is most of the time.
8. He lets me pick which vegetables I'm willing to eat when we go grocery shopping together.
9. He comes home from the grocery store with a half-gallon of ice cream, even when I'm not with him.
10. He buys Kleenex in multipacks.
11. He watches Dancing With the Stars with me and actually likes it. (Alas, the season is over.)

I know these things seem silly or trivial, but in our busy, busy lives, they make a huge difference.

I love you, Eli. Thank you for all you do.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Awww, that's so sweet! I'm glad you found such a wonderful deserve him! :)