Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Subaru Owner & Grilled Cheese

As of yesterday, we are the actual owners of Eli's car. We bought the car a couple days after our one-year wedding anniversary. Hind sight really is 20/20 because if I could do it all over again, I would not have bought the car. Eli insists that it takes premium gasoline and that gets expensive quickly. I don't think I will ever buy a new car again; at least, I won't buy one until I can pay for it in full.

We were able to pay off the Subaru, even though we would have been done paying on it in May 2009, because I got a double paycheck this month. I got my first check from Chambers County, and I got my last check from Opelika City. And, since Eli's student loans go into repayment this month, we needed the breathing room of one less bill. We'll be paying on Eli's loans for a looooong time, though once Eli has a real job (say, a job that pays more than half of what I make), we'll get aggressive about paying them off. We could buy three Subarus with the amount of his loans--you do the math!

In my student loan department, I'm down to under 10k. That's for four years of undergrad at a private university, and a master's degree at that same university. Not too shabby since I've been out of grad school for 4 years. (Man, I'm getting old).

On a completely separate note, Eli wanted to heat up some soup for dinner tonight. I was okay with that until I realized that he was heating up tomato soup, yet he wasn't buttering bread for grilled cheese sandwiches. Really? How can you eat tomato soup and not have grilled cheese? But most of all, how can you be married to me for almost six years and think that I would eat tomato soup without grilled cheese? It's ridiculous. So, bending to my will, he made grilled cheese.

I remember being completely jaded when I realized that there are people who really weren't raised with this tomato-soup-with-grilled-cheese eating habit. My bro-in-law, for example, associates tomato soup with the little Goldfish crackers. But he also puts whipped cream (instead of marshmallows) on his hot chocolate, so I don't think he's a credible source for what other people do. Haha. Just kidding, David.


Colleen said...

Hi Erin, it's Colleen!

Um, I hate cheese, so I've never had a grilled cheese sandwich ever. And I don't like tomato soup much, but if I ever DID eat tomato soup, you can believe it would not be with a g.c.s. Sorry!

Also, congrats on the baby!

Misty said...

We had grilled cheese last night too, however no tomato soup. Not a fan, never had them together!! :)

Beaver said...

Alright, ladies. Just rain on my parade. :)

Colleen, I've always thought it was a crying shame that you don't like cheese, but that's not so important so long as you like chocolate (heaven forbid you wouldn't like chocolate!).

Misty, you certainly should try the two together. I personally prefer to dip my grilled cheese sandwich into my tomato soup. When I'm out of sandwich, I'm done eating soup (I don't like tomato soup by itself). :)