Friday, November 14, 2008

Cheap Pizza and Ginger Ale

It turns out that even more than Pizza Hut, I love cheap place-directly-on-the-oven-rack pizzas. I know they're not nutritious, per se, but they're quick, they're easy, and they're tasty.

I think I had my first place-directly-on-the-oven-rack pizza when I was early in my sophomore of college. John S. loved the Totinos 99-cent pizzas. I thought they were a good deal and got some for myself. I then remember buying some for JS when he dislocated his shoulder playing "touch" football and couldn't drive. And the seed was planted. Who knew it could grow into a preference over Pizza Hut??

We had to go pick up my thyroid drugs from the pharmacy this evening, and while we were there, we got a cheap pizza and a 2-liter of Canada Dry. Mmm. Dinner.

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