Thursday, November 5, 2009


Yesterday, the teacher interns on the team next to us were having a conversation about the song "Fancy" by old-school Reba when I walked by on my way to the kitchen to put up my pumping stuff. On the way back, I poked my head into the classroom to comment because Eli and I had recently had a conversation about the song ourselves, and they told me that they were actually making fun of a sample student essay they found on the state department website. Evidently a 7th grade (13-year-old!) wrote about how wonderful it would be to have a baby girl, and that she would name her baby Jolene. Can you believe it? they asked. Hahaha.



Um. What's so funny about that? That's my middle name.

It was kind of an awkward funny moment because they couldn't tell if I was kidding or not. When they realized that I was telling the truth, they reassured me that they liked the name. Uh huh.

I immediately followed their train of thought, though, from old country songs with women's names, and conceded that I had never actually heard Dolly Parton's song until I was in college, if even then. Anyway, that's my funny story to share today.

On another important note, our State Farm agent had one of her quarterly car-seat checks, and I took both cars to get the seats tightened down and to get the free cookies. Yum.



Anonymous said...

i love the car seat checks. i use to be a certified installer, but i'm not anymore. i love it when they get the seat in tighter than i can! they don't give me cookies :(

Melissa said...

Making coworkers uncomfortable: priceless. ;)

Craig-Jen said...

That's funny and your timing was comical and perfect!

Colleen said...

if it helps, I read that as they were laughing about a 13 year old wanting to have a baby, not the name she would choose. That's what I would be laughing about anyway.