Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hanging Out

Well, the Beavers were only 3 minutes late to Sunday school this morning, after not eating breakfast and driving right by Hardees. [insert pouty face icon] Elsie made it to the nursery and we rushed upstairs and threw open the classroom door and found...

...the pastor.

We were the only ones. Turns out that conditions today were exactly perfect for people to stay away from church. 1) It was rainy. 2) Auburn didn't have a game this weekend. 3) Auburn students don't have class this week because of the Thanksgiving holidays. So, yeah. Just us. It wasn't so much Sunday school as be-put-on-the-spot-and-answer-personal-questions-posed-by-your-pastor time.*

We had a good talk, getting to reminisce about the early days of Erin and Eli, how we met and all that. He asked about Eli's job plans and a little bit about Elsie and her daycare sitch. Turns out I talk too much and probably need to think more before I speak (or write, as the case may be). Sorry, guys, if I use this as my dumping ground for frustration. Duly noted. :) And we talked about difficulties in trying to coordinate holiday travel schedules (which I mentioned in our advent devotional).

It was a good "hanging out" time, for sure. I still think it would have been fun to learn about different people in our church, which is what the lesson was supposed to be [for new members...we're old hats who hang out with the newbies]. Haha.

Church was good. Our neighbors didn't come, but I'll be sure to invite them after Thanksgiving on a Sunday when we are not scheduled for the nursery. We came home and took a nap, and then EW (a friend from Eli's childhood) came over with the Rug Doctor she rented from Winn-Dixie and we cleaned the living room rug. It is currently draped over the dining room table and chairs drying. But I feel much better about the prospect of Elsie crawling around on it once it goes back on the floor.

In the meantime, Eli went to a deacon training session at church, and when he came home, I went to the "Movie Night" wrap-up from our fall women's study -- Prodigal God, by Timothy Keller. So good! I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but it comes highly recommended. We re-watched the 32 minute video that kicked off the study, and then wrapped up our thoughts. I was disappointed that there were only 7 people there. Our associate pastor's wife was the only non-Sunday night person there, even though it was supposed to be women from all three groups coming together. Oh, well.

So, now I'm home, and I'm trying to mentally prepare for this short week. And I should probably physically prepare, too (i.e. lesson plans).


*Just kidding. He said his wife is now reading my blog--Hi ATB! Hope you're having a good time in Nashville!--so I thought I would poke a little at him.


Craig-Jen said...

It's your blog and you can write anything you want! It can certainly be your dumping ground...people don't have to read it if they don't want to.

Beaver said...

Jen, what you say is true...

However, I didn't realize how many church people read my blog until this week, and they all know Elsie's caretaker, and it makes it awkward for everyone. Sure, they can choose not to read it anymore, but they can't un-read what they've already read. So, they know my frustrations. I have options for venting that don't include publicly airing my laundry. Or I could be more tactful and less complain-y. We'll see how this pans out.

Thanks for your free speech support, though! You rock!