Well, my friend Misty posted a link to a free photo book online (expired, sorry) and I decided that I was going to search to find all the pictures I could of both Eli and me to publish into a book. Sounds vain, I know, but if you've ever been to our apartments in the nearly 6 years since we've been married, you'd know that we don't put pictures of ourselves up. This apartment is the exception because Eli didn't take his wedding photo to work, so it's sitting on top of the TV cabinet. That's a fluke. So, essentially, our photos are in boxes...somewhere. Well, on the hunt for these photos, I came across a stash of photos from my childhood, and one in particular that I thought would nicely illustrate my earlier assertion about our craftiness...
Yes. That's me around 5 years old, and my Cabbage Patch, Lilly, back when she was clean. I wrote on the back, "1984 Basement of house in Rochester, New York".
I remember making these pig faces out of paper cups. Hula skirts out of grocery sacks. Airplanes out of cardboard boxes.
I have empty spools in my craft boxes! Don't know what I will use them for, but you just never know!
I remember seeing that picture.
Very cute little piggy!!
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