Monday, January 5, 2009

Power Probs?

Okay, so I am still going to try to post in this blog for 100 consecutive posts (my new goal before I give up the daily thing), but we're experiencing technical difficulties. Eli got a new battery for the laptop thinking that would fix the problem, but it has not. There is something else going on here.

And I had something in mind to post about today when I was driving home from work, but I honestly can't remember what it was. It was so clever, too! Oh, well. On a bright note, I had cheerleading practice and every single one of my cheerleaders was picked up on time! I was home by five and was able to "make" dinner tonight [that is, I boiled pasta and heated up some pre-made sauce]. I even went the extra mile and broiled some homemade garlic-ish bread. It would have worked better had I had access to Italian bread instead of sandwich bread, but I think it was the right touch.

I'll get back to thinking what I was going to blog about. It's going to drive me crazy! I'll let you know if I remember.


David in Ohio said...

Wow, I hope it's the pregnant thing! You're much too young to be joining the "forgetful" generation.Love and prayers-Uncle David

The Harrell Family Adventures said...

I hope your week goes well!

Colleen said...

Haha, I do stuff like that all the time, I can remember exactly where I was when I was thinking about what to say (or write), but I can't remember what I wanted to say (or write). And that is so cute that you are the cheerleading coach! I bet you are a good coach. :)

doms mom said...

I am sad to say that pregnancy brain does not go away, just changes names. But mommy brain is no less frustrating.

Motorcycle grandma said...

It's just that BC (before children) you have very little to clutter your mind. Now there are all kinds of details that get mixed up in the brain causing major malfunction. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!