Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prayers for friends needed!

Eli came home from work yesterday and told me that his (Baylor) friend's four month old daughter died unexpectedly the night before while they were on a family trip to Ohio. Very few details are available except that they put her in her crib at the hotel and checked on her at 10 p.m. and she was fine, but at midnight she wasn't breathing.

Please keep Corey and Kristie and their 3-year-old and the rest of their family in your prayers.

Before, I would have been horrified and sympathetic and been deeply sad for them. But those emotions don't even begin to express the way my heart aches for them now that I understand what it is to have a child. It was all I could think about yesterday in the car to Atlanta, during the game and back. And then when I woke up this morning, it was on my mind again. Elsie is not my child, except in the biological sense. She is God's child, and her existence is all His doing. I have no control. (There's that control motif again.)

I wrote this prayer down during a Sunday school class last fall. It was a part of our lesson and it was very poignant, addressing the issues of control and contentment:

Lord, I am willing to
receive what you give,
lack what you withhold,
and relinquish what you take.

Thy will be done.

Thank you for keeping these friends in your prayers.


Valerie said...

I love your joke by the way!! Thanks for leaving that. I'm going to have to remember that one.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I'll keep them in my thoughts.

Your new blog layout looks great!

Valerie said...

Oh btw...how did you like Eclipse?

Misty said...

Oh my gosh...I'm so heart broken. I prayed for them. It breaks my heart. I don't check on my kids in the middle of the night (unless they wake up). How would I know if something like that happened?? Oh God, be near, let your comforting voice be heard to this sweet couple.