Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

On a quick side note, that post yesterday was my 400th post! So crazy!

Today is Veteran's Day. I'm posting early so that I'm not distracted during my productivity today. Eli is headed to B'ham with his Coast Guard Auxiliary Unit to march in a Veteran's Day parade. It's evidently a big deal. I would have taken the kids and gone with him had I been caught up, but, alas, I am not.

Before I go, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends and family members that have served in the Armed Forces. I couldn't do what I do if you didn't do what you do/did. A particular thanks goes to my dad, a 20-year veteran of the AF, and to my mom who served right along with him (but on the homefront, in the domestic campaign).



Craig-Jen said...

Veteran's Day is probably one of my favorite many places don't observe it anymore, but I still love it. Thanks, Eli!

Elijah said...

No prob.

Elijah said...

Besides, it was my turn. You went already. :-) A big thanks to all the prior servicemembers who read this blog or have people who read it on their behalf: Jennifer, Bill, Joseph, Rene, Kathy, and all the rest of you.