Saturday, January 30, 2010

The End is Near (of hunting season, that is)

Woohoo! It's the last weekend of hunting season. While that means I'm all alone presently, it also means that I get the next seven months of weekends with my husband, for the most part (until that danged-oh football season starts again).

So, this weekend, in a nice surprise, my mother-in-law called up and wanted to know if the two of us girls wanted company for the weekend while the menfolk were out doing men things.

Since I had to work at Sylvan this morning, I gratefully took her up on her offer, so she drove in the rain last night and stayed with Elsie this morning until I came home from work and a meeting afterward. We went out to Mama G's for lunch, and then to the library for a play date with some other moms. We had a good time.

In the early afternoon, mom-in-law left to go back to Mobile, and we were on our own again. Eli texted me from the tree stand and said he would be back after dinner back at the hunting camp. So, we're expecting him back late tonight. Maybe he'll check the mail on his way in? Haha.

Elsie's in bed, so I'm going to watch a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie and cry intermittently for no real reason. And after the commercials, I may cry at the movie, too.


1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries over Hallmark movies and certain commercials :) I am finally catching up on your blog!