Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Big Sister

Before I write on and on about the newest Beaver, I just want to dote on his big sister. Though she is getting a lot of attention from the family, she is still really confused about this squirmy one that we brought home. Tentative. Not completely sold. When she came to visit us in the hospital, she was more interested in playing with the bed, the buttons, and everything she could get her hands on--all without giving Oscar a second glance. Ah, to be a 15-month-old girl.

Elsie was my baby when I went to the hospital. I was still carrying her to and from the car most days (hot pavement) and sometimes up and down the stairs at the house. But now I realize just how NOT a baby she is. She's a big girl (big hands, big feet, muscular legs, etc.), but I didn't really have anything to compare her to. Now I have an actual baby, and it is now clear that Elsie is a little girl, a toddler (oh, my!). She is a ball of energy, and boy am I ever thankful to have my mom, sister, nephew, and niece here to help me keep her occupied while Oscar gets acclimated to the family, and the family gets acclimated to Oscar. And since in the last few weeks I have had a dearth of pictures of my curly girl, I will now make up for it--or at least try. In chronological order since the end of June:

When D was here, we traveled to Atlanta to see JT and Miss M. Elsie loved her alligator truck.

The two girls played independently of each other for the most part. I understand social skills don't really start developing until around 24 months. I liked this picture because it cast both girls in shadow and showed their independence.

The weekend after, we went to the library for a playdate with A & J. Elsie had started climbing into chairs by herself. She was so proud that she got into this rocking chair. And there's something about this bib that must be photogenic...purely coincidence, people.

One day I was sitting on the stairs and Elsie was running around being silly, so I got the camera. This is her, interested in my electronics (as she is with everything technological--she is a definitely a "digital native"), and yes, that is my now former baby bump that she's tugging on.

Speaking of bump, this is Elsie's first trip to the hospital to meet Oscar. My mom was holding him, and she was still more interested in the camera...go figure. :)

And this is our first family picture with my silly daughter and my silly husband.

And she's still unsure about this new addition. I have a picture just like this one where it looks like she's trying to kiss him, but I looked closely and I'm holding her arm back, which means she was trying to hit him. It begins early...

Clothing optional Sunday brunch at the Beaver house.

Yesterday, she found the empty milk cartons, and they were more fun than any of her toys.

And we got out our old bouncy seat yesterday to put Oscar in the sunshine (he was looking a little yellow), and Elsie decided to reclaim her seat. Fun, bouncy times. I'd say that it's fortuitous that Oscar didn't want to sit in the seat, anyhow.

And then this morning, Elsie and her cousin read a book together. It was one of those moments I couldn't NOT take a picture of.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the latest on Hurricane Elsie. Soon an update on Tropical Storm Oscar.

Cheers. :)


Misty said...

Your babies always looks SO BIG when you bring home your next actual baby. I remember Cara all of a sudden looking like a giant! great pictures, love the curls!

Craig-Jen said...

I love the post, but I wanted to comment on the decor! I love the house and the furniture! I wanted bold couches (you saw the icky brown) but Craig really didn't want them. He does tolerate my antiques (and "antiques") and he doesn't like those either...all about the compromise!