Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sun worshiper? Not I.

Well, we're back. And I'm refreshed and tired. My first beach vacation was a success, I think. You know, since I don't have anything to compare it to.

Here are some thoughts on my week:

1. I am not a sun person. I knew this going in, but I thought it might change. Nope. I am not a sun person, still. Give me shade and/or air conditioning any day.

2. I don't think I could vacation with my children unless there were plenty of hands around to help. Thankfully we had plenty of helpful family members and I was so thankful to have a break (while feeling a little bit guilty that perhaps I was taking advantage).

3. Even having a "potty-trained" husband of seven years does not mean that there isn't some unspoken rule about an overall vacation from putting the toilet seat down. I was baffled since this never happens at home and could easily have blamed this on my brother-in-law, but twas not so. My own husband was a part of this shenanigan. Ugh.

4. Sharing a room with a baby is not a good idea. She didn't sleep well, so we didn't sleep well. And our first night home, she still didn't sleep well. Grrr.

5. For a shade-lover like me, it takes a lot to get out to the beach. Chairs, umbrellas, towels, water, baby toys, baby sustenance, sunscreen, flip-flops, cover-ups, hats, sunglasses, beach reading. If there hadn't been others with me, it would have been very tempting to stay on the sunporch and read the entire time. It would have been much easier and no less enjoyable--but very antisocial.

6. Elsie is a water bug. She loved the water. She loved the waves. She loved the sand. Oh, and she has my mother's olive complexion that allows her to tan easily, even with SPF 55 on. No, I'm not jealous. Really.

I start summer school on Tuesday this week, teaching a math class to rising 6th graders. I'm excited. And terrified. Wish me luck.


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