Monday, February 18, 2008


Went to the doctor today. My thyroid is looking good. We had a nice talk about keeping my asthma in check and about watching for the signs that my thyroid is out of whack again. I've been feeling good for a while. ::knock on wood::

Last night was our first Financial Peace University class. I'm sad that Matt and Stephanie won't be attending with us, but I guess you have to do what you have to do. They're still young! They would have us beat by 3 years if they started now, but they're looking to buy a house and put down roots. I don't blame them.

Dearly Departed closed yesterday afternoon. The cast did such an excellent job. I saw the show 10 or more times (no kidding) and I was still laughing by yesterday afternoon. It was bittersweet, but I guess it's always that way.

I'm looking forward to the summer musical now. I have my heart set on the part of Smitty (but I would settle for an ensemble part). :)

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