Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Happy Easter from the Beavers!

 (Yes, this was the best picture we could get after church today. That's life with the Beavers.)

We were very "untraditional" with commercial Easter activities this year.  We didn't go to community egg hunts.  We didn't do Easter baskets.  We colored eggs today, but only 9 of them--and we used a dye kit that I bought at end-of-season last year.

Then, we had an egg hunt with those nine eggs this evening--plus some other plastic candy-filled eggs that I bought at end-of-season last year.  The kids had fun.  It was hilarious to hear their squeals when they would see one of the eggs that Eli hid.  The grass was just tall enough that eggs could hide in the grass and the kids didn't see them until they were on top of them.

Of course, the eggs I got last year were "egg"ucational (per the package) and had letters on them, so Elsie was calling out letters as she picked them up.  Then, once they got their buckets inside, they dug through and found the eggs that had the letters of their names.

I wish I had had time to do Easter outfits this year--it was a lot of fun to sew them last year.  But, alas, I have little energy right now, so that went by the wayside with the Easter baskets.  Elsie and Oscar were having a conversation after church about how the Easter Bunny didn't come to our house, and then when Eli was about to go out to hide eggs, she was so excited, jumping up and down saying, "Daddy!  You are the Easter Bunny!"  I'm okay with that.  (But I did tell her not to mention it to her friends...)

So, happy Easter!!



Elijah said...

We did do a community egg hunt: the First Presbyterian Church was kind of a big deal. Just because YOU didn't go doesn't mean WE didn't go. :-)

Also, you failed to mention that though there were only 9 real chicken eggs, there was approximately a metric ton of plastic candy-filled eggs.

Beaver said...

That was a *church* egg hunt--I was referring more to citywide hunts. Plus, I haven't seen any pictures, and if there are no pictures, it didn't happen. ;)

And yes, I left out the metric ton of plastic eggs, but to be clear, those were last year's purchases, not this year's. :)