Sunday, December 15, 2013

Camouflage Christmas

Eli has been in the National Guard for a little over three years now, and this fall has been the first time that we have made it up to see what it is that he's doing when he's dressed up in camouflage on the weekends.  In August, I had a professional development session in Guntersville and stopped in to Fort M to visit.  When we went to a wedding in Mississippi in November, we drove through so that Eli could do one day of drill.  That's the weekend we were having so much car trouble.

Then, this past weekend, the kids and I went up to participate in the family activities, which included a Santa Claus in combat boots.  :)

1 comment:

Elijah said...

Oscar's first gun that shoots actual projectiles. *sniff* Makes a dad proud. And what's the first thing he did with it? That's right, he shot his sister.